Breyer Proud Arabian Models
Introducing the Black Proud Arabian Mare from Collector Conni Wireman
The following information is from Conni Wireman; fellow Vintage Collector, Hobbyist, and Friend. When I heard she had made the purchase of a life time and had found the Breyer Proud Arabian Mare she had been looking for, of course I had to ask her to share. The small part of her Collection that she sent is nothing short of amazing.

Yes, the Black Proud Arabian Mare pictured above is in fact one of the about 30 made for the 1985 Breyer-Sponsored Live Show. And, as the story would have it, this is also the same model that is pictured in Felicia Browells Guide Book. Way to go Conni! Not only did she find the rare jewel she had been looking for, but she also found the rare jewel with a very unique position in Collecting History as well. That's just simply awesome.
More of Connie's wonderful collection.

“Since my favorite models are the PAM/PAF, Mustang, Indian Pony, Shire mare and stretched Morgan, here's a few for you of several of them."

"I can remember being a little kid, sitting in Mom's car, with the PAM/PAF. While I waited on her to get groceries (that store is long gone, with the public library now occupying the space), I would play with the horses--and this was so long ago that it was safe and not illegal to leave your child in the car alone! So, maybe I was 5 years old? These were my first models, followed by the Mustang, Shetland Pony, battleship grey Donkey, chestnut Belgian, etc. I like the older, vintage models better than the new ones--also, they were made in the USA, and not China!”
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