Glossy Honey Bay Proud Arabian Mare
by Lisa Toye
(Granada, MN)
One of my many treasured Breyers - my Honey Bay PAM
I believe that a vintage Breyer is a combination of many things, age being paramount. I think anything around 25 years or older is vintage. The plastic they were made of was different; feels different, looks different and yes, smells different! The Breyers that are "vintage" seem also to be more realistically detailed, and are more individualzed pieces of art than more recent Breyers are. They have more character, especially when referring to the older molds. When these components combine, hopefully they ellicit many fond memories of childhood horse games played out with these wonderful models that so many of us grew up with. I know from my own personal experience that my first Breyer was given to me by my friend for my 7th birthday. It was the black and white Pinto Western Pony in the then special see-through display case (which I still have). I was absolutely hooked on Breyers from then on! For me they were my saviors during the rainy days and winter when I couldn't ride my real horse as much. I have uncounted wonderful memories from them and each vintage Breyer I am lucky enough to acquire since still evokes a sense of childhood excitement and awe from me as I hope it does for others.