Oh back to the good old days...

by Sue S
(Chicago, Il)

Vintage makes me think back to 1952 and my first model, the all to famous and well known, Palomino Western horse with chain reins and snap saddle...the memories of wanting one of these horses at 6 or 7 years old haunts me even today. Going into the local toy store and seeing them on display..the smell of the plastic and the feel of the model in my hands, even down to the look of the box they came in and the OH SO CHEAP price then. The thrill of my birthday and getting my first, and all the wonderful imaginary adventures I had with that model. The second was the Black and White Pinto, followed by a all Black one. Eventually I collected over 10 of them. They were my life...until at 14, when boys crept into the picture and they sat forgotten on a shelf in my closet. A year or two later they were given to my nephews and that was the last of them that I saw...life went on for me, but I never forgot.
Then one day while walking down a isle in a open air flea market, laying on the ground was "my model" and with it all the feelings came flooding back. For a meer $5 the memories were back, and mine to keep..forever. A almost 45 year lapse of time and I was back to being 7 again.
Vintage is a time...irreplaceable.

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Apr 14, 2009
Good Old days
by: Jojo

My first Breyer was the white western pony back in the early 1950's. I still have it and yes it brings back those memories everytime I look at it.

Apr 02, 2009
Oh the Memories!
by: Bonnie

Thank you for your post Sue and how right you are.
I know exactly what you mean about the feeling that you can "get back" when you see a Breyer Model. I feel the same way when I see or look at a Glossy Dapple Gray Clydesdale! This was one of my first models, the other was the Bulking Mule and they started a tradition that lasted 20+ years. Each of those "original" Breyer Models are priceless because of sweet memories.

Thank you again for sharing!

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