The fun of collecting

by GreyStone

A tiny number of color variations

A tiny number of color variations

Many people collect model horses for different reasons and we each collect a variety of models, whether those models are all of a favorite mold or color, a particular breed or maybe just whatever looks good. No matter what you collect or why you collect, adding to our plastic herds fills us with excitement and joy.

One form of collecting that's often forgotten about is looking for the many variations found within the endless world of Breyer horses, especially the older models.

Various colors, shading, markings, tack, finishes, factory imperfections, factory goof-ups, mold marks, and even different sizes of the same mold, often called "shrinkies", are out there to be found.

Some other variations that aren't quite as easy to spot just by looking at them are the plastic chalky, factory repaint chalky, colored plastic, swirled plastic and the different types of plastic Breyer has used over the years, especially in the 70s. Most of these plastic variations are most noticeable if the model has a rub, but sometimes, especially chalkies with socks, they can be seen simply by taking a close look at the white markings or by looking at the bottoms of the horses' hooves.

Collecting different molds and models is fun, but maybe, just maybe a variation or two of your favorites could add to the interest of your collection.

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Sep 06, 2010
This is so true
by: Sara A.

When I decided to sell my entire collection due to health problems, I found out exactly what you stated. Most of my models are the older type, and a few I have the same model, and how they varied in color and style of how the designs were applied. Thanks for acknowleging this, I just collecred, never noticed any of this until I started cataloging them. Awesome job!!!

Sep 06, 2010
Great post with cool pictures!
by: Anonymous

Thank you for posting this page! This has some wonderful information and great pictures of the "Vintage" Breyer Models.

(I do wish I could see the pics a bit bigger... ;-))

I for one LOVE the variations of the older models, it's so much fun to try and find that treasure in the hay stack of variety.

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