Where do I start with my old Breyers?

by Vicki Pope
(Jackson, Tennessee)

Hello all- I am so glad to have come across this website! I was giving some thought to selling my early 1960s Breyer horses- I was a horse-crazy 10-year-old and never wanted anything else for Christmas and birthdays. Browsing on eBay doesn't tell me much. I have about 20 from that era. Most of mine are glossy (is that more valuable?), but I can't prove their age; don't have the boxes or anything. I saw a $150 (!) book on Amazon about Breyer models, but is there any other reference guide out there? I have a few that don't seem to show up much on eBay; does that mean they are more valuable? Any advice would help!

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Feb 22, 2013
Website to use
by: Anonymous

Go to Identify your breyer .com
This site helps you to get model numbers, release dates and the special ones. Get all information before selling as some are hard to find models like the 1972 Indian pony or the Misty models. Don't sell until you know what you have! After you find out, post the pics, we'd like to see them!

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